Aslmkum, CASH MANAGMENT..Satu cadangn yg amat btpatn skali ktika tiba masanya kelak kita mmpunyai pulangn plaburn tkumpul bjumlah ratusn ribu hgga juta2.Kita boleh bkongsi dan brbincang bagaimana hdk mengurus wang yg byk dan smakin byk dgn cara yg tbaik dan mbri nilai tambah. Bahkn jika kita disini bnar2 ingin brdikari dan bsatu hati utk mbantu ssama kita,kita smua pun boleh mjd plabur utk syarikat yg kita tubuhkn bsama.Skop pbincangn cash management boleh diperluaskn scara bpringkat2..
Dah lama saya cari maklumat ini, baru ini saya dapat. Kita kongsi sama2........sebagai pengetahuan dan mungkin boleh naikkan sedikit semangat untuk semua..
Dr. Matthaeus Den Otter
Mr. Den Otter, born 1952, holds a JSD-degree of the Zürich University and the Diploma of the Swiss Banking School. He is now a Senior Officer, Bank Licensing & Mutual Funds Dept (staff: 15 persons), and has been very active in preparing the practice of the Swiss Federal Banking Commission with regard to the licensing of Hedge Funds in Switzerland.
Mr. Den Otter is regularly making speeches and writing articles and books about Investment Funds, alternative Investments and other regulatory issues.
Previously, from 1994 - 1996, Mr. Den Otter was a Managing Director of a leading Swiss Mutual Fund Complex. He has also been involved in drafting the Swiss Investment Funds Act and participated in Technical Assistance-Programmes organized by the IMF and the IFC in favour of Regulatory Agencies in several countries.
RERENCE :21nd International SFOA Bürgenstock Conference The International Forum for Derivative Markets September 5-8, 2000
Born 1952 baru 55 tahun di Msia baru pencen....maybe he still a life...suruh Awan biru confirmkan...tapi kalau di US mungkin had umur pencen lebih lama kot....just sharing...
Das Bundesgesetz über Anlagefonds wurde einer Totalrevision unterzogen. Nun liegt die lang erwartete bundesrätliche Botschaft und der Entwurf des neuen Kollektivanlagengesetzes vor. Das Gesetz dürfte frühestens Anfang 2007 in Kraft treten. An einer gut besuchten Veranstaltung von Ernst & Young stellten Michael Riesen, Partner und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung Ernst & Young, Jürg Müller, Senior Manager Ernst & Young, Dr. Markus Steiner, Geschäftsführer und Delegierter des Verwaltungsrates UBS Fund Management (Schweiz) sowie Dr. Matthäus Den Otter, Geschäftsführer Swiss Funds Association, die Neuerungen des Gesetzes und die Auswirkungen auf die Fondsindustrie vor.
Untuk terjemahan saudara-saudari boleh menggunakan khidmat "Language translator" yang terdapat dalam internet secara free. Tetapi terjemahan itu tidaklah sempurna bahasanya. Saya rasa bahasa diatas adalah bahasa jerman bukan bahasa Swiss seperti yang disangka. Tunggu saya menterjemahkannya.
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
The federal law about investment fund was submitted to a complete check. Now the long expected bundesrätliche message and the draft of the new collective arrangements law is. The law might come into force at the earliest in the beginning of 2007. In a well visited arrangement of Ernst and Young Michael Riesen, partner and member of the management introduced the viper, manager Swiss of finding Association, the innovations of the law and the consequences on the fund industry to Ernst and Young, Jürg Müller, boss manager Ernst and Young, Dr. Markus Steiner, manager and delegate of the administrative council finding UBS management (Switzerland) as well as Dr. Mattew.
Terjemahan ini nampak sedikit berterabur ayatnya.. Bukan salah ibu mengandung...
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
Boleh, tetapi bahasa yang digunakan tu bukan bahasa swiss sebaliknya bahasa jerman. Kalau x silap saya switzerland menggunakan bahasa jerman sebagai bahasa rasmi mereka. Kalau salah tolong betulkan.
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
The federal law about investment fund was submitted to a complete check. Now the long expected bundesrätliche message and the draft of the new collective arrangements law is. The law might come into force at the earliest in the beginning of 2007. In a well visited arrangement of Ernst and Young Michael Riesen, partner and member of the management introduced the viper, manager Swiss of finding Association, the innovations of the law and the consequences on the fund industry to Ernst and Young, Jürg Müller, boss manager Ernst and Young, Dr. Markus Steiner, manager and delegate of the administrative council finding UBS management (Switzerland) as well as Dr. Mattew.
Terjemahan ini nampak sedikit berterabur ayatnya.. Bukan salah ibu mengandung...
Time kaseh lah tarjemahan di atas....apa2 pon boleh napat sikit.... kekawan yg lain boleh lah bincang dlm bhs My....spy lebih
Terima kasih kepada ahli forum kerana bersusah payah untuk menterjemahkan bahasa swiss tu especially Pak Kaduk yang boleh digelar pakar bahasa.
Sedikit maklumat yang boleh dikongsi bersama
Kalau mengikut 2 maklumat yang saya sampaikan, Dr. Matthaeus Den Otter memang salah seorang pengasas Swiss Mutual Fund Complex dan sekarang beliau adalah salah seorang panel penasihat Swiss Fund Assc. Beliau juga merupakan pensyarah bebas di universiti2 di Swiss. Sering memberi ceramah di seminar2 kewangan di rantau Eropah. Kesemua maklumat ini boleh kita dapat "di hujung jai anda".
Tapi sebenarnya apa yang saya nak kaitkan di sini ialah Swiss Mutual Fund Complex. Samada SMF 1948 ini wujud semasa terbinanya Swiss Mutual Fund Complex atau Swiss Mutual Fund Complex adalah seperhan SMF 1948. Sebab ada beberapa statement dari SMF 1948 yang boleh digunapakai untuk mencari maklumat yang berkaitan. Antara statement SMF 1948 ialah
a. SMF 1948 berpindah dari Swiss ke Rep Domica pada 1996 kerana perubahan dasar sistem kewangan di benua Eropah. Kalau disemak, memang ada pada era pertengahan 1996 terdapat beberapa negara di Eropah yang menukar dasar liberalsasi kewangan dengan lebih ketat lagi. Ini menyebab banyak Unit Trust dan Fund Manager cabut lari. Kalau ikut pandangan saya, bilamana kerajaan Eropah mengubal dasar mereka, perubahan inilah yang menyebabkan krisis kewangan berlaku pada sekitar 1997-1998. Apabila Fund Manager seperti George Sorros ni lari, so dia orang menipulasi sistem kewangan di Asia di dalam forex pulak sebab pada masa tu unit trust tidak popular di Asia. Dengan kapital yang ada mereka semua menipulasi jualan USD dan mata wang asia lalu menyimpan segala profit yang dapat ke negara2 Offshore.
b. Di dalam buku ini "Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance" By Theodor Baums, Richard M. Buxbaum, Klaus J. Hopt ada menyebut pasal Swiss Mutual Fund tetapi saya nak relatedkan tak berapa kuat. Apa yang pasti di dalam buku ini ada menyebut kegilaan Swiss Equity, Swiss Invest Foundation, Swiss Trust dan Swiss Brokarage yang memberi pulangan lumayan sekitar 1960-an sehingga 1980an. Unit2 ini pernah disebut di dalam SMF 1948 sebagai based perniagaan mereka.
Begitulah pandangan peribadi saya.....minta maaf kalau salah
ada cerita lagi sini
INVESTMENT The Feeling Is Mutual 11 maj 1997
" New mutual funds will probably appear on the market in the near future, organized by Polish banks in cooperation with renowned foreign partners. Credis/PKO BP Polish-Swiss Mutual Fund Society has already received a mutual fund license. In the venture, PKO BP's partner is Credis Holding Europe Luxembourg Ltd., an investment arm of Credit Suisse Group-one of the world's largest investment groups, managing more than 180 investment funds with a total value reaching $50 billion. "
"By the way, I spoke to Michael Mansfield on AOL - his screen name is trader1mm... he mentioned that SwissCash will shut down one day... I don't understand why he said that but that's what he said to me... I searched Michael Mansfield on and found his screen name: trader1mm and I talked with him on AOL and asked him if SwissCash is legit. He said, "No SwissCash will shut down one day soon, watch." Then I tried to talk with him but no response afterward... Later he signed off- could anyone explain why he said that even though he is CFO for Swisscash
Pandangan saya:
So, nampaknya kita masih gagal mencari Michael Mansfield yang sebenar. Kalau ikut statemnet di atas jika dia CFO SC dia takan bercakap begitu. Ini seolah-olah di pihak beliau pun mulai rasa tergugat dengan kehadiran seorang yang senama dgnnya. Dan kemungkinan dengan kebanjiran warga US sendiri join SC, dan mungkin menggunakan reputasinya, ini memungkin beliau berkata begitu."No Swisscash will shut down one day soon,watch".
Jadi siapa CFO SC sebenarnya?
Profile Michael Mansfield bukan CFO SC
Company name : Mansfield Visoiu Capital Management Corp (MVCM) Contact Job Title: Co-CEO Contact Name: Michael Mansfield Address : 1430 Sheridan Street, Suite G-10, Hollywood, Florida, USA, 33020 Contact Phone: 561-827-8274 or 954-682-9079 Contact Fax: (425) 740-0790 Contact e-Mail: CEO Name: Michael Mansfield & Vincent Visoiu Co-CEOs Head FX Name: Vincent Visoiu & Michael Mansfield Head Research Name: Mike Mansfield Head Sales Name: Brian Pla, Investor Relations Contact Mansfield Visoiu Capital Management Corp. Tel: (954) 924-8301 Email:
Aventura, North Miami Office 2999 NE 191 street, Suite #604B Aventura (North Miami), FL, 33180, USA Telephone: 305-749-1020 Fax: 954-671-6823 Email:
Vincent Visoiu, CPIM, MBA Certified Portfolio Investment Manager Principal Managing Director Email: AIM: vincev123 ICQ: 132060149 MSN: vincev123 YIM: vincentmar1
Michael Mansfield Fund Management Principal Managing Director Email: AIM: trader1mm ICQ: 211586375 MSN: trader1mm YIM: trader1mm
Kesimpulannya,kita masih belum temui The Real Man.Walau bagaimanapun,siapa dia yang sebenar tidaklah penting,yang paling penting ialah APA YANG DIA BOLEH BUAT KEPADA KITA. Sudah tentu menjaga portfolio kita agar memberi keuntungan lumayan sepertimana yang telah dijanjikan!
SwissCash 2007 A Silent Revolution
1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway.
2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway.
3. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.
4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.
6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway.
7. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway.
10. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.
Humbly serving you always and in all ways,
Michael Mansfield and the whole SwissCash and Swiss Mutual Fund Management Team
From A Different Point Of View,