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Post Info TOPIC: Boikot Beli, Makan Ayam kerana ada enzim babi Kecuali ...


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Boikot Beli, Makan Ayam kerana ada enzim babi Kecuali ...

A'km rakan forum,
Saya memang dah tak beli ayam sejak 3 tahun lepas cuma sekali sekala makan juga kat kedai, tetapi sekarang jangan makan melainkan daripada ternakan Dr. Mohamad Zainol Ahmad Haja sahaja yang bebas dari racun dan bahan haram babi. Sila baca link yang disertakan berkenaan bahan buangan babi yang dimasukkan dalam ayam untuk mengaut keuntungan besar-besaran. Saya sertakan sedikit dalam bahasa English di bawah sekali


Diambil dari rakan email.

On 9/17/07, Muhammad Harris Hj Berahim wrote:

untuk difikirkan.. dan pertimbangan selanjutnyer.. terpulang..

Subject: FW: ayam

Assalamualaikum semua.

terlanjur sahabat saya ,che ismail dah buka cerita,wajib saya

Jika anda pernah come across Majalah 3 pada bulan July ade paparan ttg ayam organic herba di usahakan seorang profesor - Dr Mohamad Zainol Abdul Haja.
Saya tertarik dgn cara pembiakan ayam yg Dr Zainol
usahakan,bersih,terkawal dan halal.

Saya dan suami menjejaki Dr Zainol,dpt jumpa,berborak,sy juga pernah bawa Dr Zainol dan isteri beliau Dr Mumtaz ,berjumpa dgn network saya di Melilea Puchong.Sekadar ingin mengajak beliau berkongsi pengalaman dgn kami.

Saya kagumi insan ini,mengorbankan kerjaya profesional utk akhirnye memilih jalan berbakti kepada ummah.Terlalu mudah akidah umat islam di Malaysia kini diperalat,kami sgt sedih.Matlamat kami sama,insyaallah.

Sungguh,teknologi menjadikan kita negara yg moden,teknologi juga akan kemudiannye merosak byk perkara baik dlm tubuh kita..yg akhirnye akan merosak akidah.Kalau hendak dicerita,sgt panjang.
Saya ringkaskan.

Wujud enzim khinzir dlm ayam diper akui setelah bbrp tahun buat
research,malah byk website yg ade maklumat ini,sy akan beri add nnt.

Enzim khinzir mungkin tidak terlabel secara individual dlm proses
menggemukkan ayam(m'sia tidak akan buat label ) ,tp hasil dari kajian, protein dari khinzir,antibiotik,dan pelbagai lagi mampu menyuburkan ayam,cepat gemuk,lg berat lagi cepat boleh jual,cepat dpt hasil.,maka suntikan,makanan ayam ade campuran pelbagai yg sumbernya diragui.

Thats y,dari telur hungga ia menjadi hidangan anda,ayam tidak perlu mengambil masa berbulan bulan..ayam KFC cuma 28 hari,ayam daging mungkin 40 tidak pasti.

Lately sibuk harga ayam naik,sy come across pulak seorang pengusaha ayam berbangsa china di Buletin Utama 2 mlm yg lalu,"harga ayam mesti mau naik sikit,makanan ayam pun ssulah naik halga,itu UBAT ayam pun sudah naik halga"...ubat ???..tapi tiada apa lagi yg memeranjatkan saya....anda fikirkan,anda nilailah.Ayam kat malaysia ni sampai dah macam tak cukup
supply,hg semakin lama semakin naik,yg gemuknye pengusaha ayam cina inilah.

Halal ke ayam daging?
tidak mengapa jika anda pasti dan yakin ttg kehalalannye,tambahan di Malaysia ade sykt besar yg melabelkan halal utk ape pun jua produk ayamnye. tetapi Taraf Halal itu ,saya anggap ia hanye di kategorikan utk PROSES PENYEMBELIHAN cara islam yg diutamakan di sykt itu..even pernah masuk TV,tetapi cara ayam dibesarkan,di beri mkn makanan yg bagaimana tidak mungkin termasuk dlm HALAL yg dimaksudkan....anda fikir bagaimana?

Sy pernah bertanye kpd Dr Zainol,government negara islam ini tak berbuat ape ape ke? Dia jawab,it happens around the world nanee.its the technology!!

Percaya atau tidak,sewaktu Dr Zainol confirm ayam daging ini ade enzim khinzir,beliau menangis,after a long time of research,baru skrg confirm!!
Saya juga sgt sedih..sgt sgt sedeh. Bayangkan kotornye,hinanya makanan yang kita mkn,makanan yg membentuk 'kita'.

Ayam daging biasanya dlm 20 minutes kalau letak kat luar peti sejuk mesti lalat dah datang,bau dia mak aaaaiiiii...senang hanyir,kenapa?Ade certain part part ayam ni daging dia punyelah padat dan banyak kan...kenapa ye...fikir fikirkan.

Saya tidak berniat mempromosi ape ape,sy juga tiada share dlm biz Dr Zainol,tapi saya seru,kepada sesiapa sahabat yg terbaca email
ini,mungkin skrng tiba masanye kita mengubah sumber pemakanan kita..maafkan saya jika terlambat bercerita,sy hanya manusia,kdg2 sy takut juga pandangan ikhlas saya di salah erti.Pernah beberapa kali sy bercerita kpd kwn kwn,tapi cerita sy di anggap seperti diada adakan,malah ade yg tak respon ape ape,(bila pk pk kelakar pun ade,takkan benda dasyat mcm ni takde respon ek...)jd sy berhenti bercerita seketika..maafkan sy terlambat memanjangkan
kepada kwn kwn..but anyway inilah sebenarnye tanggungjawab kita.

Fwd this mail to your friends,kita ambillah tanggungjawab
ini.insyaaallah Allah berkati.

last mth pun article Ayam Organic ade keluar kat Berita Harian,full
page,kat dlm tu pun ade ttg enzim khinzir ini.

Anyway sy dan keluarga kini tidak lagi risau harga ayam daging ni naik ke turun ke,lantokkkkkk le dia....Ayam organic jauh lebih sedap,manis n tak byk daging.,yg penting kita pasti ttg sumber pembesaran ayam ini.,insyaallah.

TQ & Regards.

Attached (no 1-3) mail from Dr Zainol,panjang,tapi make sure u read the last page.he also provided some website add for you to refer.


This is the article on pork protein used in chicken breeding. Pls
spread around.


Dr. Mohamad Zainol Ahmad Haja
Head - Research & Development
Innovation Centre
Mumtaz Meat & Marine Foods Sdn Bhd.
No 17. Jalan Nirwana 35.
Taman Nirwana. 68000 ampang.
Selangor. Malaysia.
Tel 603 92811802 / 92816924
Fax 603 92816925
e mail
mobile 6012 3248081
(See attached file: ayam dengan enzyme babi.doc)


please read and there is plenty of further evidence by this well known reporter Felicity LawrencePlease click here to view the article or select the link below or copy it into the address bar of your browser. Many thanks. The Ecologist.


Nannee assalam mualikum

This well known reporter works for both Penguin and Guardian 2 big time
publishers in the UK Name :Felicity Lawrence

You just print this name and you will get his reputation

Dr. Mohamad Zainol Ahmad Haja
Head - Research & Development
Innovation Centre
Mumtaz Meat & Marine Foods Sdn Bhd.
No 17. Jalan Nirwana 35.
Taman Nirwana. 68000 ampang.
Selangor. Malaysia.
Tel 603 92811802 / 92816924
Fax 603 92816925
e mail
mobile 6012 3248081

Thank you & regards
03-33442882 ext 2151

diambil dari -

The Netherlands is the centre of the tumbling industry, the process in which the bulking up of chicken takes place. Dutch processors import cheap frozen chicken from Thailand and Brazil. The meat has often been salted, because salted meat attracts only a fraction of the EU tariff applied to fresh meat. The processors defrost the meat, and then use dozens of needles to inject into it a solution of additives, or tumble it in giant cement-mixer-like machines, until the water added to bulk the chicken out has been absorbed. The tumbling helps dilute the salt to make the chicken palatable. So, as well as avoiding substantial taxes, the processors can make huge profits by selling water. Once the chicken has been tumbled and/or injected, it is refrozen and shipped on for further processing by manufacturers or for use by caterers. The story gets even less appetising, as I discovered when I met John Sandford, unsung local authority hero and leading trading standards officer at Hull City Council. His inves-tigations began in 1997, when trading standards officers were contacted by a restaurateur who couldnt get his chicken, bought from a wholesaler, to cook properly. It fell to the council to test the meat, and they found it contained 30 per cent added water. Sandford began puzzling over how the processor had managed to get so much water to stay in the chicken.

Why didnt the water just flood out when it was turned into a takeaway or a ready meal or a chicken nugget? The chicken was from Holland. Some time later Sandford discovered that there was gossip among UK producers that some Dutch companies had found new methods of adulterating their meat. Now the authorities had to prove it. Sandford knew it would be a slog. When they realise you are on their trail, they just change their specification to disguise what they are doing in different ways. They are multi-million-pound companies with limitless money to spend on technology. Sandford has a budget of £20,000 a year to spend on laboratory tests.

The breakthrough came when the laboratory Sandford uses in Manchester was able to develop new DNA testing that could pinpoint protein from different species of animals. The first DNA tests on further samples of Dutch catering chicken well-known brands that are used widely in takeaways, pubs, clubs, Indian, Chinese and other ethnic restaurants across the country showed up lots of water and, astonishingly, pork. Some of the samples of what were being sold as chicken breasts were in fact only 54 per cent chicken. Nearly half of the samples contained less meat than they claimed and were mislabelled. Most had originated in Thailand and Brazil. And instead of using the old trick of phosphates to hold the water in, the processors were using a new, little understood method involving hydrolysed proteins. Hydrolysed proteins are proteins extracted at high temperatures or by chemical hydrolysis from old animals or parts of animals that are not use for food, such as skin, hide, bone, ligaments and feathers. Rather like cosmetic collagen implants, they make the flesh swell up and retain liquid.

Shortly afterwards some documents came into my hands that suggested there was considerably more going on behind the scenes. These documents showed that, together with the Food Standards Agency (FSA), the Manchester lab had been looking for not just chicken adulterated with pork, but also chicken adulterated with beef waste. The possibility of BSE in chicken meat raised its ugly head. If the Dutch processors were injecting chicken with hydrolysed proteins extracted from cow material, as these documents suggested, which bit of the cow was that material coming from? And would the process of hydrolysis kill off any infective BSE prions? The baton passed to Ireland where the food safety inspectors in Dublin, tipped off by their English colleagues, had started their own tests on chicken. Using a private lab with different and more sensitive DNA testing techniques, they found what they had been looking for: undeclared bovine proteins in chicken breasts from Holland, and lots more pork in chicken labelled halal. Since much of the chicken was destined for ethnic restaurants where pork would be abhorrent to Muslims and beef to Hindus, it presented considerable moral dilemmas.

The BBCs Panorama team was keen to take the investigation further and it made sense to join forces with it. I had traced the production of hydrolysed proteins back to factories in Germany and Spain. Panorama began secret filming. Its evidence was shocking. Panorama caught a Dutch additive supplier and a German protein manufacturer on video boasting that they had developed undetectable methods of adulterating chicken with waste from cows. The cow proteins were mixed into additive powders, which were then injected into the meat, mostly chicken breasts, by poultry processors, so that it could take up as much as 50 per cent water. But they were able to break down the DNA of the cow proteins to such an extent that the authorities tests would not find it. Proteins extracted from chicken waste could also be used, but the reason for choosing cows was that the raw material was even cheaper. The owner of the Dutch company that mixed the proteins into powders for the chicken processors to use told the undercover reporters that for more than 10 years the industry had been extracting hydrolysed beef proteins to inject not only into chicken but also into other meats such as ham.


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Terima kasih atas niat saudara untuk berkongsi maklumat yang amat berharga ini. Semoga ianya dapat membantu kita "membersihkan" kehidupan kita di Negara Islam ini.



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Alhamdulillah semoga dengan info yang saudara Pejal berikan ini dapatlah kita umat Islam sampaikan dan sentiasa berhati-hati dengan taktik musuh-musuh Islam yang mahu merosakkan akidah umat Islam.

Do or Not There is No Trial

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Menghela nafas pjg sy bila baca artikel.....Ape nak jadi dgn Msia ni?Pihak berwajid silalah ambik tindakan segera.Kalo isu botox or kolagen cepat mrk buat siasatan siap dgn fatwa tapi ni isu makanan yg meresap dlm darah & daging serta anak cucu-cicit kita



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biasanya kalau bab2 macam ni dorang sukar nak keluarkan fatwa. tak tau kenapa?


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Signs and symptoms

Main symptoms of swine flu in humans.[17]

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in humans the symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of influenza and of influenza-like illness in general. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. The 2009 outbreak has shown an increased percentage of patients reporting diarrhea and vomiting.[18]

Because these symptoms are not specific to swine flu, a differential diagnosis of probable swine flu requires not only symptoms but also a high likelihood of swine flu due to the person's recent history. For example, during the 2009 swine flu outbreak in the United States, CDC advised physicians to "consider swine influenza infection in the differential diagnosis of patients with acute febrile respiratory illness who have either been in contact with persons with confirmed swine flu, or who were in one of the five U.S. states that have reported swine flu cases or in Mexico during the 7 days preceding their illness onset."[19] A diagnosis of confirmed swine flu requires laboratory testing of a respiratory sample (a simple nose and throat swab).[19]



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Dari  :

Mengikut laporan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO), penularan pandemik H1N1 di dunia masih lagi aktif dan melibatkan 182 buah negara. Sehingga 20 Ogos 2009 jam 8.00 pagi, terdapat peningkatan kes jangkitan influenza A(H1N1) sebanyak 3,354 kes menjadikan jumlah kes terkumpul 231,269 dengan peningkatan kes kematian sebanyak 207 menjadikan jumlah kematian terkumpul 2,353.

Situasi semasa Influenza A(H1N1)  (Setakat 20 Ogos 2009, jam 9.00 pagi)

Ulasan sebagai seorang layman:

Secara ilmiah matematik,

Jumlah kes global = 231,269 kes

Jumlah kematian terkumpul global = 2,353 orang

Jumlah negara  yang terlibat dengan wabak global= 182 buah

Jumlah kematian di Malaysia = 68 orang

Average kematian bagi Negara-negara yang terlibat = 2,353 orang /182 negara=12.9 kematian/negara.(lebih kurang 13 kematian/negara)


Di Amerika,Eropah serta CNN news guna istilah swine flu (selsema babi) bagi pandemic ini,tetapi di Malaysia dok guna Influenza A(H1N1).Walau pun ada apa pada istilah nama,kesan pada saikologi dari sesuatu nama itu adalah jelas.  

Pendapat saya secara peribadi,guna saja SELSEMA BABI-ramai lagi yang akan lebih alert mengenai wabak ini.



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Know the difference!

Make an informed decision and take the right action!
Understand the difference between Cold & Influenza A (H1N1):
Common Cold
Influenza A (H1N1)
Characteristic, high (38° C) lasts 3-4 days
General Ache
Pains Usually Slight
Often Severe
Very Mild
Can last up to 2-3 weeks
Extreme Exhaustion
Early and Prominent
Running/Stuffy Nose
Severe, without phlegm in the beginning
Sore Throat
Chest Discomfort
Mild to moderate hacking cough
Common: Can become severe



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bagus2...satu usaha yg baik....akupon dah guna perkataan selesema babi ni...tapi masalahnya org melayu kita ni, bila bunyi h1n1, dorang anggap benda ni macam popular, bukannya sebagai satu wabak....kalau tengok org pakai topeng muka, dorang gelak...kata macam2, penutup macam bra perempuan lah...dan bla bla bla...

satu lagi aku rasa benda yg cukup2 penting ialah media massa kena main peranan la....jgn dok asyik dok cerita politik yg x habis sampai hari kiamat....pasal pemimpin pegi melawat sana sini, pembangunan dan ntah apa2.....depa x nampak ke yg h1n1 ni lagi bahaya dari dok layan berita2 cam tu.....buat jerk iklan h1n1 sampai org takut nk kuar rumah....contohnya macam iklan d kotak rokok (sampai aku sendiripon dh gerun nk isap rokok)

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