Topic of interest which should also be addressed apart from the latest resurgence of 'Phishing Emails' would be the use of proper Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware programs. After conferencing with various SCash members, it has dawned on me that many are unaware of the security issues related with using the internet. To my amazement, I have discovered that many are using the internet without proper Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware. Needless to say, this would be similiar to leaving your home without locking up. It would only be a matter of time before you get robbed. For the benefit of those who may be in such a position, I've listed a couple of FREE sites where one could download and install, the necessary Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware. I am personally using these FREE programs and highly recommend them. Details as follows : ZoneAlarm Free Firewall : AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition : AVG Anti-Spyware Free Edition : If anyone would like to add to the list, please feel free to do so, on the provisor that you have tested or are currently using the program which you are recommending. Do note that if you choose to use any of the above mentioned programs that it is highly recommended you do not use more than one of either type of program on your PC's. So if you are already using an Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware program which you are currently paying for and would like to test out the free ones listed above, which are equally as good if not better, I would suggest that you uninstall your current Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware program prior to installing the free ones which I have listed. Forbe2.
Dari Allah kita datang dan kepada Allah kita dikembalikan.
semoga diberkati slalu....saya syorkan pakai Spyware Doctor v5 baru dan cuba cari cracknya dalam ye..saya dah guna dan paling efektif untuk bersihkan pepijat wlaupun ade yg tahap trojan...sekian
kalu nak antivirus paling power yang bayar punya boleh guna kaspersky, kalu free punyer paling bagus detection dia, boleh try AOL active virus shield (anak sedara kaspersky ni),
aku sudah pasang anti SPYWARE TERMINATOR dalam desktop, boleh pasang anti virus sekali, 2 dalam 1 kerja. sapa yang tau web free anti spyware untuk symbian atau smartphone nokia punya..?
Saya cadangkan saudara memakai antivirus Bit Defender @ Karpersky, dua AV ni adalah antara jenama yang sgt bagus melebihi Norton Antivirus @ McAfee. Functionality lagi byk, update AV setiap jam dan mempunyai firewall dan tahap pengesanan virus yang lebih baik.
Tentang free spyware utk symbian & smartphone, sbl ni saya penah guna Norton AV, McAfee & F-Secure. Biasanya semua program utk mobile kebanyakkannya adalah Shareware yg mana diset sebagai trial version sahaja. Utk crack program (walaupun menyalahi undang-undang antarabangsa mengikut akta hakcipta terpelihara), download Bit Torrent dan search melalui program tersebut. Saudara Akai PC boleh dpt byk choice kat sana.
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
Antara Kaspersky dgn Bit Defender saya lagi mengagumi Bit Defender kerana systemnya agak sophisticated. Jika saudara belum cuba try laa dulu. Saya penah guna Avira, Avast, AVG dan AOL tu tapi system dia x berapa menarik ye laa kan free.. lg pon update virus list pon x terlampau update sgt... Masih ada bugs dalam setiap softwarenya...
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
Aku belum try nod32 lagi, mcm mana dia punya AV update? per jam, daily or weekly basis?
-- Edited by Pak Kaduk at 17:33, 2007-08-03
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
dulu aku pakai kaspersky, update dia setiap ni aku guna nod32, update dia weekly.. tak perlu update setiap hari coz sistem heuristic dia power, dia boleh detect virus yg masih belum didefinisi lagi, nod32 ni sesuai untuk gamers la coz tak telan banyak ram dan tak memberatkan pc
oo mcm tu ke... dia punya size besar x? ada mcm kaspersky or norton punya size? hehehe... skang ni ram dah sampai 4GB to 8GB. Lagi pakai Windows Vista, antivirus pon mesti power bukan pe biasanya AV power dtg complete set dgn firewall yg bagus jugak. Tapi Norton mmg aku x rekemen langsung sbb yg baru punya ni, Norton 2007 cerewet sgt laa. Lepas uninstall pon ada tinggal kesan lg dlm pc, nak kena 'regedit' dulu baru boleh hilangkan semua.
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
saiz dia tak besar sangat la bro, kecik dpd norton n kav. betul tu bro, aku pernah try norton 2007, dah uninstall pon ada lagi suku sakat file dia kat pc. aku memang anti sangat ngan pak norton ni. hehehe
Kalau nak firewall yang bebetul dahsyat pakai la Linux punya system.. gerenti bagus punya, cuma user-friendliness tu kurang laa... Nak kena study bebetul baru ok..
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
X jugak.. boleh jugak kena virus lagi lagi kalau virus tu boleh affect boot sector habis laa mobo sama build-in BIOS kita tuhhhh nak kena setting balik jumper, reset, programming semua... Tapi kebanyakkan hackers didunia ni ramai yg guna LINUX sbb OS dia mmg user friendly bg para hackers yg sukakan suasana mcm DOS gitu. Hackers ni suka menaip laaa... Tunjuk hebat sapa paling cepat taip utk crack/generate program utk hack system.
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
Windows Vista leceh jugak.. terlampau pentingkan security.. lagiČ kalau nak buat account lebih dari satu... Semua nak kena administrator luluskan dulu baru laa jalan... Sampaikan nak setting utk internet pon kena approve dari administrator PC tu dulu baru laa ok... tapi dia punya 3D gempak beb... menarik gak... Apple punya OS-X pun kalah...
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
aku guna antivirus DR Norton... ciplak punya kena crack dulu... 1 bulan ok je tetiba lepas update terbaru minggu lepas... banyak pulak dia blok laman dari access... pas tu mintak nombor windows... apasal ye? ada suggestion?
Namun begitu sengsara yang di buat oleh kerajaan kita , tidak dapat di maafkan.
Norton Antivirus tahun berapa ko pakai? 2003 punya ke? Sepatutnya version lama x de problem sgt berbanding version crack yg terbaru.. Mungkin company Norton tu dah detect ko pakai pirate punya kot. Maksud nombor windows tu mcm mana? Activation ke?
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
Tu bukan sbb Norton, ni sbb Windows sendiri laa tu.. Ko ada set "update windows automatically" ke? Nampak gayanya kalau Norton tu mintak activation just uninstall je software tu cari lain.. Kalau windows yg keluarkan benda tu, crack lagi sekali windows tu... Caranya update windows pakai CD or DVD installer serupa mcm time install Windows dulu.
Ya, Karspersky amat direcommend sekali...
..: Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough -- more than enough -- when you give it energy, time, and understanding! :..
* Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around. *
> I M P O R T A N T > W A R N I N G ! ! ! ! ! > > Anyone-usin g Internet mail such as > Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. > > This information arrived this morning, > Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. > > Pleas e send it to everybody you know > who has access to the Internet. > > You may receive an apparently harmless > e-mail with a Power Point > presentatio n ' Life is Beautiful ' > > If you receive it DO NOT OPEN THE FILE > UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and delete it > immediately. > If you open this file, a message will > appear on your screen saying: > > 'It is too late now, your life is no > longer beautiful.' > > S ubsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING > IN YOUR PC, and the person who > sent it to you will gain access to > your name, e-mail and password. > > Thi s is a new virus which started to > circulate on Saturday afternoon. > > AO L has already confirmed the > severity, and the anti virus > software's are not capable of > destroying it. > > The virus has been created by a hacker > who call! s himself 'life owner.' > > PLEAS E SEND A COPY OF THIS E-MAIL TO > ALL YOUR FRIENDS, and ask them to PASS > IT ON IMMEDIATELY! >
Dari Allah kita datang dan kepada Allah kita dikembalikan.
Amek website ni.. Ini scan virus untuk pendrive.. free of charge.. ringkas, saiz kecil dan menarik.. sesape nak gune pendrive, scan dulu gune antivirus ni..
kalau nak guna antivirus free guna avg dan avira...install kedua skali... dua ni mmg ngam..avg tak leh kesan avira boleh kesan,begitu sebaliknya.. saya dah lama pakai ni..semua free..
kalau guna kita pun dia kesan sbagai virus... contohnya brontok washers.
kalau betul2 tak nak pc dari diserang virus...senang saja... guna lah JUZTREBOOT.. software ini akan reboot semua selepas restart komp. kita boleh set partion mana yang hendak reboot.. biasanya drive C la.... komp anda akan bebas dari virus..
harap maklum..
------------------------------------------------ kita tidak akan mendapat apa-apa jika tidak berbuat apa-apa